~ Ponder wonder... ~
It werid but seems like revealations come at times when u least expect it.
Even when watching shows. But guess that's just the way things are these
days. Us all seeking our truths everywhere. Seeking to be filled with some
worldly wisdom or another.. i guess i shoud know better. Having been seeking
it for since i dunno how long.
Watching desperate housewives, I suddenly realised how people's perception of
life can differ so much. Not that i wasn't aware of it. But it just stuck me so deeply
in a way. That some can treat life so lightly... laughing away at issues and situations
that might otherwise seem so much more severe and serious to others.
Its no wonder why people misunderstand each other at times. Espicially when
you have people laughing at matters that you feel are important. Then how does
one respond...? Some rebutt in anger... some shrink away. Some have mastered the
art of keeping emotions at hold and come up with witty responses to otherwise very
crude remarks.
Also another thing i've noticed thus far... how much we'd like to hold on to things that
have given us hope in our otherwise dampened hearts. Seems like it'll always take some
external stimulus to kick us in our butts to wake us up from our daily drunkedness.
To make us aware that we still have other things to live for... other then self sustinence,
or self pleasure. A need to take away the things that matter to let us see that which really
matters. Things that are close to our hearts.
How many times it's been.. that we sometimes have friends... who are always so cock sure
of themselves, that we hate that cocky and know it all attitude. Of beliefs that they feel will
last them through. How many times usually we'll want to rebuke them. But then, what's the
point of wanting to change someone else's thought processes when it's something very much
We can't change a person's heart and beliefs until he/she has gone through some situation
that will make them realise certain facts. Maybe the only reason why we want to rebuke them
is to reassure ourselves of our own beliefs that mean so much to us. Meaning we're still insecure
and unsure. Like a little child wanting to be heard.
But the time will come ... when things change and God will put burdens in our hearts.
To realise the err of our ways. That pride, ego, fears, hurts and the such don't mean anything.
To realise a certain desire to grow. To bring ourselves out to be challenged and to just try.
To know that nothing's perfect and that there's no mistake big enough that cannot be rectified.
That forgiveness comes from within the heart... not in the words said.
Ponder wonder... tis a Good friday. A time to rest. And a chance to scribble...
A chance too, to remember Christ's death... and in 3 days time his ressurection.
To remember that we're all saved by grace and that being so, we shouldn't be so harsh
to anyone in our lives.
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