Monday, July 05, 2004

A morning long overdued...

Guess it's started. Was wondering when it would happen.
This well's starting to dry up.
Words don't seem to flow like they used to.
Maybe the novelty is starting to dry off.

Perhaps all i had was just snippets to write.
Bits of ideas left from the jungle of my thoughts.
Nothing concrete, nothing tangible.
Just pure bubbles floating about, waiting to pop.

Ah, that just about sums up how i've been trying
to get to updating this page. But guess the past week
has been kinda busy. And now that laziness has got to
me i guess i just kinda put it off even more.
Well it's time to set things straight. :)

Let's see... i left off with ... ya white sandy beaches
and clear blue seas. Guess what. I really did. Was totally
amazed. Clear waters, colourful fishes. And fun with a bunch
of guys. Got some pics up at webshots if anyone's interested :)

Time spend with the guys were great, and it just reminds me
of the times of bonding we used to have back at camp. Don't really
know how to describe it but, being with them i'm just being me,
and i can be as silly as i like. :p At the same time, i feel a little
more bold, lending some of their strengths and personality. Also
knowing well that although we may not see each other most of the time,
I can always count on them when i need to. :)

Anyway, last week was also the last day of work for me, had this
outing to saeke sushi to kinda celebrate. Ate til i wanted to burst
and that stupid HW still want to fill me with wasabi. At least he suffered
together with me! MUahhahah.

Saw this interesting article yesterday in the straits times,
about some web comic, drawn and conceptualized by singaporeans.
Not a bad effort i must say. Here's the links:

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